What We Offer That Others Can’t..

We are a local run business that puts your Dogs needs on par with our own…

You can fully trust us with your Dogs. We take away any stress/anxiety you may have leaving them. While they are in our care we send through photo/video updates so you can see for yourself all the fun & mischief your Dogs are getting up to.

We believe in full transparency.

We will love & care for them as if they were our own & return them with wagging tails & lots of stories to share.

We are also growing our Gypsea Tails Tribe with other Dog loving legends who love & adore Dogs as much as we do.

Your Dogs will be in the safest hands!

All our Services are straight from the HEART.
We make every Dog that comes into our care feel like they are one of our own.


Why We Are The Best In The West


Gypea Tails Operates From Margaret River