playing with pets

Early Morning Adventures

The morning time is quite easily our favourite time of the day. Yes I am typing this as the sun shines brightly through my bedroom window and is kissing my face.

We are all so positive, so rested.

Ready to tackle the day!

I have been a fur mum for 8 years now and our routine has never altered to what we do now. The only thing that has changed is the epic places we get to adventure to now, instead of going to the same forest, beaches, and park near our old house in Perth.

In Margaret River the adventure spots we get to explore every day are truly magnificent, and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t appreciate where we live.

In the warmer months, we are out the door by 6:30am to either a beach, forest or skatepark. Our dogs love the walk from our home in Riverslea through the Weir into town and then home. The quietness of the forest soothes my soul and resets my energy. I can feel the difference in myself when we do this walk and on the days when we choose the skatepark or soccer field as an alternative exercise before school drop off.

Our dogs are both Labradors, well technically Gypsea is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Lab. Indi is a Chocolate Lab, they absolutely love the ocean, river, dam, lakes, pools.. anywhere that they can jump into and retrieve a stick.

Nothing beats the feeling of exploring a new place, climbing over rocks, finding abandoned forts in the forest, with your dog right by your side.

I always feel mum guilt if we don’t get the dogs out for the morning swims before my day gets busier because I am so aware that we are all they have, if we don’t take them. No one will, unless you organise someone to take them….

and that’s where we come in…

We would love to welcome your dogs into our morning adventure, or if you would just like your dogs walked separately, after school drop off I can swing by and pick up your furry animal child and take them on an epic adventure.

Dogs love to explore, sniff and roam free…

We are all they have. Take a moment to really let that sink it.

Give them a life full of adventures, love and inclusion.

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