We Are All About The Love

I love Animals More Than People. .

We love our pets deeply, and we love yours just as much when they come into our care. If it’s for 1 hour or 3 nights, they will be given so much love and attention they will undoubtedly miss us when we return them back into your care ( well we hope so).

In our home, we celebrate pet birthdays, they own our couch (and our bed), and have always gone on at least two adventures everyday. I pride myself on this because having two kids under 2, there were many days when the dog walking was an absolute chore and definitely not enjoyed as much as our dog walking adventures are now.

This is why we offer new parents (or care givers) 35% off our 45 minute dog walks. If you have a baby that is 0- 6 months and need an extra hand, please reach out to us, we will come to you for the Meet & Greet and come walk your dogs as often as you need.

Trust me, I have been where you are. As mentioned above, I had deccy & then sav 23 months later, Ryan was away a lot and I had minimal support. Anyone who has suffered post natal depression will know how getting through each day is a struggle, especially having to care for two babies and two dogs.

It overwhelmed me.

We can’t change the past and I have made peace with it, although there are times I look back and wish I had found a service near me that offered new mums some help with my pets. So I encourage you that if you are reading this and it resonates, or if you know a new parent (or guardian) please share this with them.

I strongly believe that the natural affection we feel for animals can be compared to the affection we feel for our children. Its an impulsive love, because they are unable to help themselves easily. Animals are completely at the mercy of others for shelter, food, and protection.

Animals demonstrate an innocence that we feel compelled to protect. I always think that we are all they have. Outside of us, they have nothing, no adventures, no attention, no love or no fun. Imagine living a life that only got exciting when your humans decided to take you out, what if they work all day, don’t walk you and by the time they get home they are too exhausted to give you the love and attention you have been craving all day.

I think about this daily, this is why we do what we do, and ensure our dogs are included in as many adventures as we can take them on.

This is why we love like we do, so we can ensure their short lives are filled with a million little snippets of pure love and wagging tails.

Animals touch the most intimate parts of our hearts: our need to nurture and protect, our need for companionship and love.”

We will always love this big. We love to love. So rest assured when you pets come into our care, thats exactly what will we do.

Contact Us to find out more.

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