We just became Sponsors for SAFE

In October 2022 I reached out to the Busselton SAFE Office to chat to one of the team members about how Gypsea Tails can help them. We started donating 5% of our monthly income to help.

“If you can’t Adopt, Foster. If you can’t Foster, Volunteer. If you can’t Volunteer, Donate

Since starting this business in November 2021 I have come across a big amount of rescue Dogs that my clients have adopted through SAFE. The rescued Dogs that have come into our care have been the most gentle, funny, kind & loyal Dogs to date.

They have so much gratitude for their new life & show their loyalty to you continuously. It has opened my eyes to what a bad rap rescue Dogs have.

I have had so many conversations with people in the past, and even now who always say “I would never rescue a Dog because they have issues & its not safe if I have kids etc…”. So what they do is find a cute puppy & expect that cute puppy to just grow up & be perfect.

Unfortunately it’s not that easy.

Dogs take a lot of hard work, even cute Puppies. So please do your research before deciding to get any Dog. Write down pro’s & cons & really think about your life style. Certain breeds will work better for certain families. Don’t just assume that getting a puppy will mean that you won’t have to put a lot of time, effort, money & sacrifice holidays & other things to have a Dog.


Oh my goodness I got a bit side tracked…. my point is that since starting this business it has given me the opportunity to educate myself on what organisations values align with mine & SAFE’s definitely do.

A compassionate approach

They have a compassionate approach to ensure all animals are provided with home-based care, desexed and given veterinary care before being placed in a new permanent home.

What makes them special

(taken from their website)


An end to the overpopulation of pets in Australia, zero euthanasia of rehomable pets and a good quality of life for all companion animals.


To save companion animals from unnecessary euthanasia through community education, fostering, desexing and placing them in suitable homes.



We’re passionate to do what’s right, bringing energy and dedication to everything we do.


We’re committed to our vision with a dedicated, attentive and caring team.


We’re consistently impartial and approachable, caring for animals and people alike.


We act with empathy, courtesy and consideration

Can you help?

We are definitely not millionaires or even close to it but we know that every little bit, helps.

You can help too…


By donating, you are helping provide homeless animals with the care they need to ensure they find a happy, healthy life in a new home.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. A receipt will be emailed to you for tax purposes.


BSB: 633 000
ACCOUNT: 163669021

You too can make a difference.

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